I wanted to put together a package to show you specifically what
somebodyisfromhere.com is all about. Just by clicking on the site, the viewer will get an
accurate representation of what we do here at the site. Still, I wanted to give you a more
in depth idea of what somebodyisfromhere.com is all about because, as you know, there
isn't a site quite like it across the internet landscape.

This is the first article I ever published on the site back in March of 2007. Although, the
kinks had yet to have been worked out, this article shows you that the general idea hasn't
changed. The article starts with a pop-culture reference that the reader can relate to and
then expands to inform the reader about the area.

Again, this article uses pop-culture not only as a reference point, but as the subject of the
story. Somebodysifromhere.com simultaneously reviews the Colin Farrell movie In Bruges
while writing about Bruges, the city (obviously) in which the movie takes place. At one
point, I would like to make this a regular feature. For example, on the weekend the
Christian Bale movie 3:10 to Yuma came out, I would like to have an article about Yuma
(though the movie was never about the area).

Finally, this is my most recent travel review. A couple weeks ago I went to Miami. This is
one of the more straightforward reviews I've written, but it still links Miami to Elmore
Leonard. That is what I think the non traveling reader can relate to. Who goes to Chicago
and doesn't think about Ferris Bueller?  Who goes to Vegas without thinking of Ocean's
11? This is my contribution to the travel industry. Writing about travel and incorporating
culture while avoiding the usual trappings of "Vegas Baby" and "London Calling."


The destination destination.
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